Hola! If your fingers are hurting when you hit that click button 5 times a seconds to monkey test your application, Automatic Mouse Click Generator is the right tool for you. This automatic mouse clicker application is a very compact, easy to use, yet powerful tool which is designed to meet need of a regular mouse click/drag testing. This application has unique feature of simulating smooth mouse drag evens also which you cannot find in any other tools that are available doing similar tasks. And what more, this tool is free! Truely Free, as it is published under GPL2 license.
Generate Clicks - Where You Want
Just configure where you want to click by pointin mouse cursor to target location and press "A" (or simply 'a') from keyboard. Pressing A will populate "Click at: X ... Y ..." fields automatically (alternatively, you can type it yourself in text boxes). Then click on "Generate" button to start clicks. Don't forget shortcut key to stop auto generated clicks, which is "S" (or 's').
Generate Drags
Point mouse cursor FROM where you want to drag, then press A (or 'a') from keyboard. Then point mouse cursor TO where you want and press B from keyboard. Press A and B keyboard shortcuts will populate required fields in software. Then press "Generate" to start drag generation and press short cut key "S" to stop drags.
Clicks or Drags - As Fast As You Want
Configure "Wait between two clicks/drags" in milliseconds. This field will determine how much interval you want to leave free between two clicks. If you reduce this, clicks will happen very fast.
"Mouse button down for" in milliseconds. This field will determine duration between auto generated 'mouse down' and 'mouse up' events. If you
reduce this, clicks will happen very fast (in case you are generating drags then drag will happen faster).
Clicks or Drags - As Many As You Want
Configure how many clicks you want to OR for how long you want the auto generation to run. If you don't set any "Stop after ... clicks/drags" or "Stop after ... seconds", the clicks/drags will not stop until you press "S" shortcut in keyboard.
Clicks or Drags - When You Want
This is my second most favorite feature, "Generate Clicks when 'F' key is pressed" (of course, you can change shortcut key). If you enable this, you can generate click only when "F" key is pressed from keyboard.
Clicks or Drags - Where Ever You Want
is my most favorite feature, "Point to Shoot (clicks where you move mouse)". This feature is only enabled when you use "Generate Clicks when 'F' key is pressed" feature. If you enable this, software will generate click where ever you mouse mouse when "F" key is pressed from keyboard.
Configurable Short Cut
Just click on short cut text (i.e. A, B, S and R in help portion) to customize it to your short cuts. Make sure no two shortcut keys are same, otherwise both events will happen on press the shortcut key. Note that currently combination shortcut keys (like CTRL + A etc.) are NOT supported. I don't find reason to do it.
If you wish you suggest Mouse Click Generator to your friend, give this URL:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/superclick/ for download.
I am listening! Please comment for the features that you would love to have.
!!! LOOKING FOR: Graphics contributor to design logo.
Special thanks to Brian Geiman for writing
this article on Code Project. I've used some code (hooks related) from his samples.